Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 187: The Day I Told a Princess Jeremina Story

The chill returned today, and brought with it a bit of rain. Without the outdoors to entertain him, I was at a loss with how to spend my afternoon. Luckily, after his morning pottery class, I ran into one of the other moms and she invited him over for a play date. It was one of those odd days with lots of sun and then out of nowhere, rain. I had to grab all the laundry from outside, not 10 minutes after I'd put it out.

The Kid's pottery class is possibly his favorite activity I've seen him do in these last 6 months. He is usually very reserved with his teachers, but he gets along very well with her and is always very proud of his work. Today he made a vase for his mom and he wants to make something for me next. I keep telling him that would be lovely, but it probably won't be ready by the time I leave. He knows I'm leaving, but I don't think he truly grasps how soon, and how permanently.

He had a great time at Rebecca's and I got a lovely afternoon off. I made dinner and started the evening ritual. I've read him all of his stories countless times, so I started making some up for him. I'm not very good off with the whole off the top of my head thing, but I make it work. It's about a Princess named Jeremina (a play on his name, hint hint). Pretty soon after I got here, when he was still very much in his knight and prince phase, I would "accidentally" call him princess. He would explain that he is a boy so therefore can't be a princess. But for months now, I've called him Princess. He laughs and acts exasperated with me. Now he loves Princess Jeremina stories, so he can't hate the nickname too much.

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