Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 32: or The First Day of a New Month

I can't believe it's been a month. The first 2 weeks seemed to drag on forever. I think it was all about adjusting and learning how to spend my down time. Now, the weeks seem to go by much faster. I'm beginning to feel like I need to get a move on with all the stuff I still need to do. I know I have 5 months left, but if they fly by like this one, I won't have done nearly enough. I'm think it's a pretty good mind set to be in.

Another cold one. I think I'm getting used to it though. Mornings are always hard. Leaving the cozy bed, facing the chill. But now, once I'm outside for a little while, I adjust. Well, I adjust a little. I'm still cold, just to a lesser extent. The Kid had lunch at home today, being Tuesday and all, so we had our usual of pan fried fish. The stuff is pretty good. I always eat what he eats, just easier that way. Only for lunch though, because that kid will have hot chocolate with chocolate, covered in chocolate. The boy loves chocolate. It's impressive. Don't get me wrong, I've eaten chocolate more here than ever at home, but I'm nowhere near their level yet.

For dinner I made a potato gratin with ricotta, parsley, and a cream sauce. It was pretty simple, but they seemed to be pretty impressed. I know I'm a decent cook. I can follow a recipe and I can also improvise. But because my way is just a bit different, I think they don't have the strongest confidence in me. Just nice to get the nod of approval.

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