Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 58: or The Last Day In Ireland

 I woke up at 8 and had breakfast with the boys. We had 2 other people in our room the night before, and the they weren’t the friendly, happy go lucky type. By 7:30 this morning, they had moved rooms.  They were already asleep when we got back and got upset when we turned the light on to find our way through the dark. We weren’t even being loud, and I was trying not to wake them, but it’s a hostel. You pay $20 bucks a night, you bunk with strangers, and you might get woken up. I was in their shoes the night before, but I wasn’t angry with the people. I was told by one of the boys that before we met, they had asked the front desk if someone was in the room yet. The lady said “1 girl, and she‘s very nice”. I had spoken about 3 words to her, but I appreciated the review. I’m sure the complainers didn’t have as nice of things to say, so I’m hoping the woman knows better than to believe them. I’ve already left and will never see any of them again, but I don’t like people thinking I’m rude, especially when I’m not.

I left around 9:00 to catch the 10:00 train back to Belfast. The city seemed to still be asleep, not many people up and about. The train was much emptier and I got a booth to myself. It’s another gorgeous day and the country ride was relaxing. By the time I got to Belfast however, I was a little worn out. I had 3 hours to spend and I didn’t want to waste them. I ended up walking around the city, stopping for lunch, then stopping for hot chocolate a little later. The weather had chilled a great deal, and the wind was strong. I walked without looking at the map and just seeing what I could find. I could have stayed in Ireland much longer and had a blast, but once the day to leave comes, I find I’d rather get the traveling part over with. I walked a lot this weekend, and that’s compared to my norm here, not in Texas. And my norm here is a lot compared to Texas.

I got on the shuttle for the airport, and was there with plenty of time. I ended up with an aisle seat, and an empty middle again. Fantastic. Or so I thought. This flight has more screaming babies than you can imagine. I know babies cry. I know sometimes parents can’t do anything to stop it, trying as hard as they can. It doesn’t mean I like the sound. Actually, I hate it. Biology did well with that sound. I made it it home a little after 11:00. I'm tired, but it was a great vacation. Can't wait until the next one. 

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