Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 52: or The Day I Gave Literary Advice

The kids are home all week for their second week of vacation. It's going to be a long week. All four of them being home means some things are easier, and some more complicated. For instance, lunch. Usually I'm on my own, and if the kid is home it's something I can whip up easily. Today I made rice and meatballs and sauce. It was a whole to do. But then the older ones help me entertain the little one, so all in all it is a more enjoyable day. Funny thing is, I'm working double the hours with the same pay. Honestly, it doesn't bother me because one week with all of the kids is kind of nice. On the other hand, I wonder if the even notice this small discrepancy. There are worse things in life.

After lunch, the 14 year old asked me to read her English paper and give my advice. It was on Oedipus and knowledge. I wasn't sure what she wanted me to say but I told her it seemed to be a clear argument and then I spouted off some advice about the conclusion. Apparently, my off the cuff advice was the basis for a pretty well thought out argument. It was nice to feel helpful.

While I was making dinner, the girls "stole" music from my computer which prompted many discussions. They would pick and choose and ask about certain bands. You wouldn't believe the stuff they said no to. Dylan? Creedence? I was shocked that a) they hadn't heard of them and b) they didn't like them. It's amazing the generational gap that can occur in 10 years. Amazing.

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