Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 39: or The Day I Sat in The Sun For An Hour

Sound boring? It wasn't. Today I went on  a walk just to get outside. It was another great day, second only to yesterday. I needed to go to the bakery but they are closed from 1:00 to 3:30. I knew they were closed for lunch, I just assumed that meant normal lunch time. By the time I made the 15 minute walk there and back it didn't seem worth it. So I found a bench in the sun and sat with a friend. I was in a short sleeved shirt, outside, and I wasn't a bit cold. Fabulous.

The Kid's morning classes were cancelled for parent-teacher conferences so I had him for most of the day. We built a wooden fish tank and played Uno. He is getting quite good at it. He's moved beyond rules to strategy, fairly impressive. Dinner was easy, leftovers. Since we are leaving for a week, we are trying to clear the fridge of any extra, opened food. Makes my week easier, so I'm not complaining.

The Kid has somehow made it the norm that I read 3 stories to him at night. I know I'm in charge and all, but if it makes my job easier, I'm gonna do it. Obviously when it comes to too many cookies or too much TV, I'll say no. But reading? I feel like I can give in. I put him to bed a couple of nights a week, and it usually is fine, but the worst fit he's thrown was when I was trying to put him to bed once, so I'm always wary. So far it's only been the one time, but it was a doozie. 

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