Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 34: or The Day The Weather Cooperated

On Facebook, all anyone can talk about is the weather.The snow, the cold, the blackouts, the snow days. Today was lovely here. The sun was out, it got up to 48' and I even contemplated going out without a jacket. I of course wimped out and wore one, but I hesitated none the less. I feel for you freezing folk. In a month, you all will be basking in your spring weather and it will still be cold here, but for now, I'm going to appreciate the lovely day.

I had class today but didn't leave feeling much better about my French. When having a very basic conversation, I can get by and I feel ok, but listening to these other women go off is difficult. Some of them have lived here for years, and just come to class to get help and improve. I'm glad I'm challenged, but I want to make sure I'm learning. The Dad was talking to me today about how I need to start speaking more French or I won't get any better. That's all well and good except for the fact that I'm supposed to be improving the kids' English. Can't speak two languages at once. I've gotta work something out. It's one of the reasons I like going to bars though. You get to meet people who speak no English and have very basic small talk. It's just nice to practice.

I made pizza again tonight. It was an improvement to last time. I added mushrooms, delicious. Hopefully tomorrow will be lovely as well.

1 comment:

  1. Geez I remember going through that in BsAs. At first you're like "wow, I can speak this non-English language no prob" and then a few weeks later you realize that you can't really say anything. And its frustrating and you want to quit. Lesson: Keep going to bars.
