Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 55: or The Day The Kids Acknowledged That Cooking Is Hard

The kids made dinner and dessert tonight. It was delicious but the kitchen looked like a tornado hit it. I helped the 12 year old with the braised pork while the 16 year old dealt with the intricate dessert. I had made pizza for lunch and it was of course a success. Between that and the advice I was asked for, I feel like today was a good day for my cooking ego, even if it was a light one.

I can tell the Kid is getting into the groove of not going to school, which means next week is going to be brutal. There are only 3 more days of vacation and I've gotten used to having the kids at the house. Today I worked on his handwriting a bit and apparently my "G's" need some work, or so says the 12 year old. He also informed me that I say "boom" a lot. I found a missing ingredient and when I place it on the counter, boom. He laughed and I asked if I said it a lot. His response was basically just a laugh and a "you're joking" face. During the course of the meal prep I caught myself saying it way too much. It's funny what people notice about you. I feel close to this family after less than 2 months, but I'm just one of many au pairs that they've had. Then one of them will point out something like that, and I know that I'm not imagining it.

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