Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 60: or The Day I Made Tofu

I was given a tofu recipe tonight and I think I pulled it off pretty well. I've never cooked tofu before and apparently you don't find it much over here. Since it was a special thing, I had to make sure not to screw it up. It turned out pretty well if I do say so myself.

The Kid and I worked on English today. He hates reading but loves for me to read to him. And loves to draw but hates to write. The key is for me to trick and distract him into doing it. I've been working with him every week but his teacher told the Dad that it seems like he's not getting enough. Of course this looks bad on me, yippee, so I made sure to cover all of my bases tonight. This resulted in a screaming fit as the mom walked in from work. He wanted a movie and I didn't give in. I was actually happy to get caught having a "fight". At least she sees that I don't let him walk all over me. The kid is a crier, plain and simple. He is a good kid, and I really do like him, but he abuses the tears. It was bedtime when they started and he was refusing to go upstairs. I was just relieved when the Mom walked in because it meant that the fight would soon be over. He doesn't ask or cry about TV time with her. It was a brief, 5 minute hiccup in an otherwise nice day. 

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