Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 77: or The First Day In London

I woke up today and started the usual travel day stress. Good news for me, I left for the train at 9:00 and gave myself a good hour extra. I was told the Gare de Nord is a usual place for pick pockets, so that didn't help my stress. Nothing like the fear of having your Passport stolen. I find it odd that I want to travel enough to do it by myself, and am in no way scared, but I do in fact stress about the little, unlikely things. I made it to the Eurostar and got myself a window seat. Interestingly enough, I prefer the window seat on a train over the aisle, which you all know is the opposite for air travel.

I managed to miss the entrance to the Chunnel, very bummed. I was sitting, facing South, but I had been looking out the window for most of the trip, it just snuck up on me. You're going so fast, and there are no lights so it's just pitch black. You can't see how big the tunnel is or tell your speed. I guess I just assumed it would be more like tunnels in the city, with lights and what not. It lasted all of 20 minutes, and before I knew it, I was in England. The trip went by quite quickly and I made into St. Pancras International Station. My host Dad had given me a Tube map, so I knew where I was going and arrived at the hostel without incident. 

I started the afternoon at a rare gem indeed, Chipotle. It was my last meal in the States and the only one in Europe is in London. Some people  might say that I should only eat local, and I hear ya, but I made an exception, and it was awesome. Not quite as good as the ones in the States, but it accomplished what it was supposed to. By then, the morning rain had basically stopped and I walked around Westminster and saw the requisite Abbey, Big Ben, and Buckingham Palace. I walked, and walked, and walked, but it ended up being a nice night and I made it back to the hostel in one piece.

When I got back, I met a German girl and was invited out for dinner and a drink. They were all in town from Hanover for a rowing competition so it was an early night for the athletes and I was happy to oblige so that I would be able to accomplish a full day tomorrow.

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