Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 85: or The Day I Saw A Movie On The Champs Elysees

The beautiful weather decided it had had enough, and left just in time for the weekend. To add on to yesterday's post, when the weather is crummy, it makes it that much harder to leave the comfort of home.

I spent the day around the house, planning vacations and researching more places that are "must-sees". In the early afternoon, the Mom asked the Kid if he wanted to go swimming, and he responded by saying "only if Caitlin goes and teaches me". Dagger. I would have gone, really I would have. But I had made plans (that ended up falling through), and going swimming would have set me back a good 3 hours. I felt bad saying no, especially when he seems so excited to learn. It was not the first time swim lessons were brought up. I promised myself that next time he asks, I will only say no for a legitimate reason. No laziness allowed.

When plans began to unravel, I decided to go into town and see a movie. That way, if a plan materialized, I'd already be there, and if not, I got a movie out of the deal. I saw Rango, and enjoyed it. I love going to the theater and watching movies with people. Slightly pricey maybe, but I decided the splurge was worth it.  I made it back around midnight, just in time to catch the 14 year old girls sleepover raiding the ice cream. Some things never change.

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