Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 64: or The Day I Saw Kanye

I woke up this morning and headed to the train. I had planned to go into Paris and look at some vintage stores for awhile. I went in with another au pair and randomly ran into two of our other au pair friends. It was one of those small world moments. We hadn't discussed it at all, but at the same time, we walk into the same store. We hung out and walked around for most of the afternoon. It's Paris Fashion Week and we decided to stop by one of the tents and see some of the action. Every few minutes a car would drive up and a "celebrity" would be ushered inside. I didn't recognize most of them and could only see the tops of many of their heads. But out through the crowd walks Kanye. The people went wild. I got about 2 feet away and was able to snap this picture. He was pleasant enough and took a couple of pictures with people. He was the only one to walk through the crowd and not straight to the door, so I'll give him that.

After the show I went to see Zoe for a bit. We sat and talked for a bit before we both had to meet up with other people. I've only seen her twice since I've been here so we decided we need to actually make a plan next time. Making it up as we go hasn't been working too well. I met the other au pairs and we headed back home. We stopped in Saint Germain and had a glass of wine before I was ready to head home. It was a long day but it was one of those days that makes you feel like you're taking advantage of your surroundings. There was no forgetting I live in France today.

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