Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 80: or The First Day of Spring

Back to the grind. The construction workers started the work on the windows today. It is a loud and messy job. Some of the windows require new frames and we have 6 French door, floor to ceiling windows that are causing complications. The dust is everywhere and the house is very breezy which isn't helping. I did however get to practice my French, so there's a positive.

At home, the First Day of Spring always seems to fall in the middle of Spring. I always thought it was odd. Being here though, I get it. Before I left for London, the flowers were barely starting to bloom. Now, almost all the trees are turning purple and white. Even on the days with nice weather, this place hasn't seemed particularly beautiful, but it's getting there. I've never had a truly "dead" winter like this one. I can see why people go crazy for the spring.

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