Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 65: or The Day I Had Cobbler

I had big plans today. Well not big, but plans. But after 8+ hours of walking in Paris, I was tired. Those plans became rest and relaxation. It was a nice day though. The boys even went out on the trampoline for a bit, and the laundry was hung outside for the first time all year. It's a good sign that better weather is just around the corner. Yay!

Lunch was simple. It was a "use whats in the fridge" day. There was a mix of leftovers and veggies and some sort of tuna dish. It was all healthy because the mom is quite conscious about what goes into every meal. I looked at the table thinking, "no wonder they're all skinny". Not in a negative way about the food, it was just a very typical spread. Then comes the dessert. We don't have desert during the week usually. Sometimes cookies or something one of the kids wanted to whip up, but on the weekends, there's always something. Today was no different and we were treated with a cherry, fig, cobbler of sorts. In case you aren't aware, cobbler is my favorite dessert. Well, cobbler a la mode is technically my favorite but let's not split hairs. All in all, the lunch was good, and very French.

The rest of the day was spent planning and researching for future trips. London is just around the corner, and then it seems the April vacation is right after that. I'm only 2 months into this thing but I'm already feeling like I'm running out of time for all my trips. Got to make the most out of the time I have.

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