Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 70:or The Day of Karaoke

Don't get too excited, I only went to the Karaoke bar for a little bit and sadly, I did not participate, but we'll get to that later.

Today was just another Friday. I stayed around the house mostly and walked to the bakery for a sandwich. The weather wasn't great but it wasn't cold either so I was able to go out without my overcoat. It feels like a little victory. The kids came home and I started making dinner. The mom had picked out a carrot pancake recipe and the kids got all excited. They were made with carrot puree but they had only a mild carrot taste. They turned out quite good but they just made all of us want real pancakes, so that is next on the list. 

I went out to the Irish Pub which closes around 1:00am. I could have gone home but everyone wanted to go to the only bar that is open at that time, the Karaoke Bar. It was a sight to see, a very diverse crowd. I'm not sure if this is France in general or this particular club, but they don't sing your traditional "sing-a-long" songs. They sing slow, serious, ballads and everyone slows down and listens/watches. Then between singers the DJ will play dance music. It was a very weird scene with many of the singers taking themselves way too seriously. We left before the girls had a chance to sing their pick which was a Spice Girls number. I'm sure the crowd would have thought we were the odd ones. How little they know.

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