Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 75: or The Day I First Wore My Flip Flops

Not since 8th grade have I gone so long without wearing sandals of some sort, and even then I'm not sure. At home, even if it's cold, I wear my sandals everyday. Illogical, yes, but it's a habit that I thought I would never break. But the weather has been nice, so I thought "why not"? When the Kid and I went outside to play, he ran to put his shoes on and came back with sandals. He told me he wanted to get his shoes like mine. And that's when I understood why it's different here. At home, I would be just one of many in ill advised foot wear, but here, they notice. The 6 year old Kid noticed after 3 whole minutes. Since I try to blend in here, flip flops are avoided but i'll bust them out for special occasions I guess.

Another sunny day, another day of  kicking the kids out of the house and making them enjoy the sun. It was an easy day and when the mom called to say goodnight (it was just me and the kids since the parents were out of town), she commented on what a good mood he was in. I could tell she was pleased which made me relax. I know they like me and that I'm a fine au pair, but I want to be "one of the good ones". I have no idea how I compare to the others they've had, I haven't asked. So days like today help me think I may be doing ok.

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