Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 22: or The Day I Watched The Lights at The Eiffel Tower

Napoleon's Tomb

The Eiffel Tower Light Show 

Me, at the Eiffel Tower
Today was a slow day. I slept in, thought about wasting the day, but decided to go into Paris for a bit. We walked around, saw some buildings, but it was cold and rainy, so we went to a pub to wait it out. Paid way to much for a small meal and headed home. It was actually quite a nice day though. We had no agenda and no plan, so walking around the city, discovering new places was fun. I really enjoy walking down a street, and not knowing if you should turn right or left. Then coming upon an open air market. The weather made me drowsy, so it was a good relaxing day.

The Moulin Rouge

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