Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 25: or The Day I Got to Play With Legos

Today was a good day. Nothing special or exciting, but I had no issues with the Kid, and I got everything done on the daily list. For his birthday, he got a huge Lego set for a fire station. So when he was home for school we spent all of his free time building the station house, the helicopter, and the truck. I love Legos. They're like a 3D puzzle and because he's still on the young side, most of the building falls to me. I'm not saying I didn't play with dolls when I was little, but the toys that the boys get are so much more fun now. It was one of those days that I realized that even though this may not be the most exciting job all the time, I get to live in France and play with Legos. And only working an average of about 5 hours a day isn't bad either. For some people, babysitting is the last thing they want to do, and some days are harder than others, but for me, it's a pretty easy gig. And it's nice to not be stressed. I remember being in school and feeling stressed for weeks or months because of a project or test. And I know a lot of people's jobs are the exact same way. Before I came here, it was always the lack of a job. I don't "not work" that well. I've always had a job, and I've always enjoyed it. So to be here, for a specific amount of time, with no worrying about next week is nice. The stress always ends at night, and the next day starts fresh. I don't carry anything over. I'm learning to appreciate the little things.

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