Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 24: or The Day I Was The Only One In Class

Ok, so it was only for 15 minutes, but I had to sit with the teacher speaking French for 15 minutes. Let me tell you, it wasn't easy. But I stumble my way through a coherent conversation. The frustrating thing is, when I feel like I'm not speaking fast enough, I make easy mistakes and sound like I never took  French a day in my life. Then, when everyone does show up, they feel the need to "help" by whispering the answer to me. Let me paint you a picture. There are 5 women in the room, everyone else is around age 40, and we are all sitting around a table with a 4ft diameter. When one of them whispers an answer to me, do you think there is any way the other three didn't hear it. No. The answer is no. And this isn't even when I looked stumped, just when I pause to make sure I'm getting it right. Not only do I not want there help because I'm actually trying to learn something, but while attempting to help, they manage to make me look like a complete ignoramus. Mildly stressful. But by the end of class, I was able to contribute some thoughts to the conversation, like the fact that my cousin named her son Jonas, but that it was not in fact a reference to that terrible "band". I'm not exactly sure why that came up. Oh yes, when explaining my name, because there is no Caitlin in French, I said that my Mother was none to pleased with the popularity after she picked it for me. Which got us talking about other children's names and so on and so forth. Class dismissed.

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