Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 5: or The Day I Had Coffee With A Stranger

Ok, so stranger has negative connotations, but I'll get to that later.

Wednesdays are my long day. Jeremy is only in school for 2 hours around lunch time, so I am his entertainer from 7:45am to 7:45 at night. Almost on the dot actually. I woke up and had my coffee while he had his baguette and Nutella.  We spent the morning building castles and reading books. We looked for stickers because instead of buying store bought invitations to his birthday, he wants to decorate his own. He kinda has a thing for drawing. Sat him down for his 10:45 snack, more Nutella, and we walked the short way to school. This is the point in the day I realized how beautiful it was. The only sky I've seen has been through gaps in clouds. It was enough, but today there was real sky. With a sun and everything. And it warmed up the air just enough that I wasn't miserable. Granted, I'm talking mid 30's, but that felt good to me, I even went without gloves for a bit. Crazy. 

So we got to the school and a German au pair I had met in my French class asked if I wanted a coffee. There is a small stand at the school so we sat on a bench and talked about how the French are different. There are some things that are French and some that are European, so I must tread lightly when commenting, but I think I managed to not offend. After coffee she dropped me off at the library so I could check the hours. Popped the Ipod in and had a nice walk home. 

When I went back to get Jeremy, the clouds had come, and the warmer air with it. I don't believe the thermostat moved, but that sun sure was helping. By the time we got back, it had started to drizzle and our trip to the library seemed ill advised so we ate lunch, played pirates and watched a movie. Nice rainy afternoon activities. 

I then stepped tentatively into the kitchen...

We had decided on leftovers of veggie soup and rice and veggies. She had suggested mince meat and potatoes as well so I asked Ines where the mince meat was and to my glorious surprise, she pointed to the ground beef. Oh happy days. Meat and potatoes. Now that I can cook. So I pan grilled some hamburgers, cooked the potatoes, reheated the veggie soup, and got all 4 kids to eat some of everything. And yes, I am proud of myself. Jeremy even had a banana. 

At 7:45 when their mom walked in, dishes done, kitchen cleaned, food put away and kids in their rooms. 

And boom goes the dynamite. 

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