Sunday's are slow days. I hope to be more active on my Sundays, seeing as I only have 2 days a week to explore, but yesterday was fairly busy, so today was just spent around the village. It was in the 40's, so I decided to take a walk. Saint Nom borders a large forest, Forêt de Marly, and they have walking and jogging, and riding paths. It is about a half mile from the house, so I decided to go on a walk. I am walking instead of running because I have somehow managed to injure my foot. Yes, I have been walking around town a great deal, but my feet haven't been hurting. My left foot feels badly bruised, but there is no bruise to be seen. I'm sure a little rest would cure it, but how do you now walk? I guess I will be spending this week slightly more stationary. Or, I'll just man up and hope the pain stops.
The family had friends over for dinner. They have 2 children, 16 and 14, so the kids rambled on in French. I tried to listen and was able to get the gist, but some of the jokes were a little to colloquial. That, or they just weren't funny. All 4 teenagers had on Abercrombie and Fitch hoodies. Apparently A&F is quite popular here, they told me they are putting a boutique on the Champs Elysees. Who knew all I had to be hip was revert back to the year 2000. Maybe it's still cool in high school in the states, but I haven't shopped their since before I could drive.
Arnaud, the 12 year old, had on a NY Yankees sweatshirt. Now, the family did in fact live in New York, so it is acceptable. But I felt I needed to explain a little bit to him. Some of you may not know my disdain for the popular teams, and I will try not to go to far into it. But I believe in being a hometown fan. Aranud doesn't talk to me that much. He is polite, but often goes off in French without thinking, and he's a bit shy. I felt it was a good topic to talk to him on. I think he understood where I was coming from. I explained that it would be like cheering for Manchester United, which of course, you wouldn't do.
We ate way to many sweets, and now I could fall asleep. Being that it is only 8:45, I'll try to hold off an hour.
it would have been fine if it had been a Red Sox shirt...Aunt JoAnne