Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 27: or The Day I Could Think of Nothing But The Cold

My fourth Thursday was nothing of note really. It was a good day by all accounts. I made soup for dinner, and got no arguments from the kids. I was off from work for most of the day and when I was working, nothing to stressful. I was planning on being slightly more productive but the weather was not cooperating. I know the thermostat said it was 35', but it felt more like -2'. I was freezing, to the point that being outside more than what was required was not going to happen. I'm all for adapting to my surroundings, and I feel like the fact that the 40's is comfortable shows that I'm putting in an effort, but when I'm cold, I just shut down. Nothing I can do about it. And the fact that it's grey over half the time doesn't help. At least when it's sunny you have the allusion of warmth. I just keep telling myself that spring is around the corner. And then it'll be springtime in France, and apparently that is something to look forward to.

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