Monday, January 3, 2011

Day 3: or The Day I Attempted My First Dinner

Today was the first real day of being an au pair. I woke up and took Jeremy to school. His school is about 500 meters away (or .3 miles). It is a very easy walk, except of course for the unbearable frigid air. No but really, it's pretty cold, but gloves, scarves and 2 jackets, and I become your typical snow bunny. Because there is in fact snow. After we dropped him off, while it was still dark mind you, I took the long way home. Which ended up being longer because I may have taken a wrong turn somewhere. Did my morning straightnening up of the whirlwind that is the kids in the kitchen and headed to my first french class.

Now I'm not saying I have any substantial knowledge of French, because I don't. Most of my vocabulary is food related, and even then I can't be sure of my pronunciation. But going to a beginners French class that is in their 4th month, and being the best student is quite the nice boost to the esteem. I will be trying the intermediate class on Thursday to see if it is a better fit. I really liked the teacher, Francois, but I don't need to waste anyones time. It was also nice to answer questions with confidence and not cower in the corner behind the big kid in class. Not that I ever did that.

My afternoon went by quickly and before I knew it I had to be at school for Jeremy. It is almost dark at 4:30, so we came home to do some drawing. I have convinced him I am worth keeping by drawing him castles and pirate ships. He drew me a castle while at school today, so I think I'm making head way.

Then came the real triumph of the day. Dinner. Oy. So the parents are usually not home in time for dinner so I wasn't worried about anything. But of course, they made an exception tonight. I had planned on 5 and now there would be 7. I was running 30 minutes late, but for my first dinner in a new kitchen, that isn't so shocking. We had Gravlax, salad, carrot soup, and pasta. I have never really cooked a whole meal like this for 7 people. Everything turned out fine, and my portions weren't that off. But there is just something about being in total kitchen panic mode because you are running 30 minutes late and then your employer walks in. Everyone ate and I at least enjoyed it, so technically not a loss.

Tomorrow I will start earlier. I am sorry Jeremy, the castles will have to wait.

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