Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23: or The Day I Ate Too Many Crepes

Now let's be honest, how can you eat too many crepes? Personally, I don't think you can, but I did have more than I needed. Today was a great day. It was cold, and not too beautiful, so I stayed in and relaxed. My foot has been better, but I figured a day of now walking would be good for it. I stayed in and watched movies, organized my room and talked with the kids. For dinner, one of the girls made crepes, and they were delicious. I've always been a fan of savory over sweet, so we had ham, chicken and cheese or, sugar and butter. The subject of Mardi Gras was brought up, because they have a tradition of eating crepes on the day. I said we celebrate Mardi Gras a little differently thinking they would know of the spectacle that is New Orleans. They didn't. It's not that I think all French people would know about it, but they did live in the states for 6 years. Alas, New York is not New Orleans. I skirted the subject as best I could, seeing as Mardi Gras isn't exactly America on its best behavior. I some how got us onto Cajun food, and back into safe territory. The other interesting topics of the day were Sororities and the Civil War. On of the girls is considering school in the States, so she was just wondering how honest television and movies depict Greek Life so I tried to give her my totally unbiased opinion. I think I was able to pull it off. Then the Civil War, or Session War as they refer to it. They were asking how we learn about it, and I wasn't sure exactly how to explain it. I made it clear that we don't call it the War of Northern Aggression just because we are from Texas. As a history major, I can talk a decent amount about U.S. history, so I hope I did an acceptable job, but who knows. Every once in a while you need a day like today. I feel ready for the week, which I believe is exactly what the weekend is for.

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